Colombian Dolls Plastic Surgery

Pre-Surgery Checklist : What I Wish I Did Before Surgery


(Pre-Surgery Checklist : What I Wish I Did Before Surgery) Preparing for surgery and managing travel simultaneously can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, you can make the process smoother and more comfortable. Here are some invaluable tips to help you navigate this journey seamlessly.

Pre-Surgery List - ColombianDollsVlog

Pre-Surgery Checklist : What I Wish I Did Before Surgery

#1 Grooming for Comfort:

The day before your surgery, opt for a Brazilian wax or shave bald to prevent discomfort caused by medical tape yanking on pubic hairs during the recovery period. This proactive step will significantly reduce post-op irritation and pain.

#2 Choose a Long-Lasting Protective Hairstyle:

Consider getting a protective hairstyle like braids or twists that will last at least 4-6 weeks. This will help you manage your hair effortlessly during your recovery period, especially if you have curly hair prone to becoming messy.

#3 Travel Light with One Suitcase:

Streamline your travel experience by packing all your essentials in one suitcase. Traveling light becomes crucial, particularly after surgery when returning can be challenging. Simplify your belongings for easy management.

#4 Stay Hydrated with an Insulated Water Bottle:

Carry an insulated 32-64oz water bottle to stay adequately hydrated throughout your journey. It’s essential to monitor your hydration levels, and having a convenient, portable water bottle ensures you can maintain this crucial aspect of post-surgery recovery.

#5 Opt for Comfort and Practicality in Clothing:

When packing, focus on comfort over style. Bring fewer clothes and shoes, prioritizing comfy outfits that facilitate your recovery. A robe can be an excellent choice for post-op comfort.

#6 Learn Basic Spanish Phrases:

If traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, familiarize yourself with essential Spanish phrases and words to help you communicate effectively. This can enhance your experience and interactions with the local community.

#7 Plan Your Accommodations Carefully:

Pack your favorite snacks and use a vitamin organizer to manage your medications efficiently. In some cases, it might be necessary to set reminders and administer medications on your own, ensuring timely intake.

#8 Prioritize Snacks and Medication Management:

Pack your favorite snacks and use a vitamin organizer to manage your medications efficiently. In some cases, it might be necessary to set reminders and administer medications on your own, ensuring timely intake.

#9 Choose Practical Footwear:

Pack a pair of comfortable sandals, like Crocs, ideal for wearing around the recovery house and to appointments. Practical footwear can enhance your comfort during the healing process.

#10 Plan for Currency and Faja Alterations:

Break big bills into smaller denominations to facilitate transactions, and consider purchasing a custom faja (post-surgery compression garment). Additionally, plan to have any necessary alterations made locally for convenience.

By following these tips, you can prepare yourself for surgery, ensure a smooth recovery, and make your travel experience as comfortable and convenient as possible.

See also Best Plastic Surgeons in Colombia

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